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Linathi’s clubfoot success story

Linathi Clubfoot success story stepsVuyokazi travels with her daughter, Linathi, from Delamazi to the Edenvale clinic, one of the clinics supported by Steps, for a follow up after successful treatment. She’s now in the maintenance phase, where she is required to wear a clubfoot brace to maintain the position of her corrected clubfoot. Like most parents, Vuyokazi only found out her daughter suffered from unilateral clubfoot when she was born – last April. She remained hopeful that this wouldn’t be an issue for her daughter, and that by listening to the advisors at clinics and sticking to treatment, they would be able to overcome. So far so good! This is her success story!

When did you find out about that your baby had clubfoot?

The day Linathi was born was the day that I found out she suffered from clubfoot.

How did you feel? 

Even though it came as a shock to me, I still had hope that we could overcome this and that there were places, like Steps, where we could get help.

What was the treatment process like for you and your family?

The treatments went very well and thankfully there were no complications.

How did you find out about STEPS?

There were doctors at the clinic that were well informed about clubfoot, so they were able to offer be guidance and refer me to Steps. I’m forever grateful for them.

What advice would you offer to other families going through similar journeys?

To trust the process and never give up hope. I would recommend parents going straight to Steps for guidance, as they helped me in so many ways and it’s changed my daughters life forever!


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