Sameesha Osman Latib went to her 21-week scan during her pregnancy with her little boy – Hamzah Mukuddem.
While Sameesha felt scared, confused and guilty – she says “we were Incredibly grateful that we were granted something that’s treatable.”
The first casting for Hamzah and his supportive family was stressful – because no one in the family knew what to expect or how to handle the situation.
“We had 7 week, tenotomy and a whole month of casting. Hamzah has been in 23 hour bnb wear for 5 months so far – because his condition was so severe. It has been a huge eye opener for us – we witnessed tears, frustration, joy and immense pride watching Hamzah navigate his way through the day – considering he wears the bnb all day.”
To make Hamzah’s treatment journey positive and fun – his mother Sameesha used legos. By decorating and visualising a story around his boots and casts – she created a wonderful and creative atmosphere around his condition. Because of this, fixing his disability was a joyful experience.
What advice can you give parents whose child is born with clubfoot?
“Speak to family and friends about it. Join the support group and know that you’re not alone. Remember that your little one won’t remember this.
Be kind to yourself and your baby especially when they seem fussier than usual because they are going through a lot more than we could ever imagine.”
How did you hear about Steps?
“After finding out about our son’s condition I searched online for support in South Africa and came across STEPS.”
How did Steps and the clinic (doctors) help you?
“STEPS has an amazing support group on Facebook that has really assisted me as well as being a great support for obtaining boots for Hamzah.”

It’s important to get treatment early and adhere to the treatment. Steps will walk with you.
Donate to our Uthutho Fund to help people like Hamzah and her mom get access to treatment through transport support, and to supply PPE to clubfoot clinics.
Follow our campaign and donate on Backabuddy.
Or get in touch: +27 (0) 21 462 7357 |