Join our #STEPITUP campaign.

#StepUp4STEPS: How YOU can get involved

So you’ve heard about #StepUp4STEPS and you want to get involved? That’s great news! Here’s how you can get involved:   We want to hear your clubfoot story – a story that will inspire and give hope to other families. By helping STEPS to raise awareness and funds, you can help a child walk – or […]

Coming up in July: STEPS’ 10th birthday and Mandela Day

STEPS started its journey when Karen (the founder of STEPS in South Africa) gave birth to her son Alex. Alex was born with clubfoot. It has been 10 years in July since Karen Moss founded STEPS, to educate, inform and raise awareness about clubfoot, to provide support to families and to work with clinics providing […]

Nedbank Procurement Charity Golf Day

Yogan’s little girl, Bronwyn, was born with clubfoot, and when she was only a few weeks old, he phoned STEPS to tell us that he wanted to raise money for children born with clubfoot in under-resourced areas of South Africa. 29 May was the first Nedbank Procurement Charity Golf Day for STEPS and Yogan’s team raised […]

STEPSsister Cheryl Howard starts her climb in Uganda

STEPSsister Cheryl Howard begins her epic climb of the Rwenzori Mountains to raise funds and awareness for STEPS on 6 June 2015. The range is approximately 100km long and 50km wide, the highest point being Margherita Peak (the one Cheryl plans to summit), which stands at 5 111 metres. Read more about this mammoth undertaking and what […]

STEPSbrother Grant Watson conquers Joberg2C

Grant Watson, our incredible STEPSbrother, recently completed the gruelling Joberg2C  – a nine day and 900km mountain bike race – to raise funds and awareness for STEPS. Having been born with a clubfoot, Grant is passionate about the work we do and went above and beyond, raising a total of R22 400! He told us a bit […]

STEPSsister Cheryl Howard summits Mount Elbrus in Russia

We planned to summit on Wednesday 16 July. We had spent the morning learning how to fall down the mountain slope headfirst, sideways and backwards, while remembering to keep the legs up so not as to let the crampons dig in and keeping the ice axe at such an angle so not as to stab […]