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STEPSbrother Grant Watson conquers Joberg2C

Grant Watson, our incredible STEPSbrother, recently completed the gruelling Joberg2C  – a nine day and 900km mountain bike race – to raise funds and awareness for STEPS. Having been born with a clubfoot, Grant is passionate about the work we do and went above and beyond, raising a total of R22 400!

He told us a bit about the highs and lows of his journey.

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Congrats on undertaking such a mammoth journey for STEPS. Tell us how the race went?

Thank you, I’ve been overwhelmed by the support! It was one of the toughest but most rewarding experiences of my life. I think we managed ourselves quite well; we took it easy for the first few stages and just got stronger as the race went on. My riding partner, Greg Davis, has taken part, and finished every JoBerg2C since inception so his experience was invaluable. We ended up doing a lot better than expected, finishing in the top 130 overall and 24th in our category, so I was really impressed with the result!

What was the most challenging part?

I rode a hard-tail mountain bike, so I didn’t have any rear suspension. The body took a pounding on some of the rocky sections, but overall I was well prepared and had a good race.

What was the highlight for you?

There were so many but it would have to be the run into the finish on the long floating bridge. Turing the corner and seeing and smelling the ocean was a memory that will stay with me forever.

What message would you like people to take away from your efforts?

The human body and mind can endure a lot more than you think it can, so you can do anything you set your mind to! We’re all going to face setbacks in life but those setbacks should only make you stronger! Being born with a clubfoot has made me stronger and more determined to achieve.

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Thank you for your sterling effort, Grant. We are so proud to have you as a STEPSbrother!