STEPSsister Cheryl Howard starts her climb in Uganda

STEPSsister Cheryl Howard begins her epic climb of the Rwenzori Mountains to raise funds and awareness for STEPS on 6 June 2015. The range is approximately 100km long and 50km wide, the highest point being Margherita Peak (the one Cheryl plans to summit), which stands at 5 111 metres. Read more about this mammoth undertaking and what […]
STEPSbrother Grant Watson conquers Joberg2C

Grant Watson, our incredible STEPSbrother, recently completed the gruelling Joberg2C – a nine day and 900km mountain bike race – to raise funds and awareness for STEPS. Having been born with a clubfoot, Grant is passionate about the work we do and went above and beyond, raising a total of R22 400! He told us a bit […]
Trust your instincts: Deborah and Cazzner’s story

When did you find out that your baby had/would have clubfoot? The day I gave birth to her. How did you feel? When I got the news I didn’t really know what it was, even though the doctor explained it to me and my partner. All that went through my mind was: “Thank you God, […]
Four perfect little feet: Daniel and Cristina’s story

When did you find out about that your baby had/would have clubfoot? Daniel – The day he was born Cristina – at our 19 week foetal assessment scan 🙁 How did you feel? Daniel – I was absolutely distraught. I knew the possibility was big because of the fact that my uncle and myself were […]
STEPSsister Cheryl Howard summits Mount Elbrus in Russia

We planned to summit on Wednesday 16 July. We had spent the morning learning how to fall down the mountain slope headfirst, sideways and backwards, while remembering to keep the legs up so not as to let the crampons dig in and keeping the ice axe at such an angle so not as to stab […]
Craig and Alethea’s clubfoot story of hope

Craig’s mom is Alethea Malan. We met them at the weekly Monday Tygerberg Hospital clubfoot clinic just as Craig who was born with a clubfoot, was finishing with his series of casts. Alethea is a single mother who is mostly unemployed, but will do whatever work she can find to provide for herself and her […]
Fabrice’s parents give the gift of Ponseti

Fabrice is a little boy having the Ponseti treatment for clubfoot in The Netherlands. He turns one this month, and wears his brace at night after successful casting. His parents Giovanni and Tammy contacted STEPS recently to ask how they could help to give more children the chance to have the same successful treatment that […]
Erto’s clubfoot story

In 2010 Erto was born in the small village of Otse, Botswana, with clubfoot. His mother, Catherine, says, “It was very hard. I was afraid when the nurse said ‘come and see’. His feet were turned inward. I got sick and had so much stress.” Peace Corps worker Maggie Kraft often walked through Otse. “One […]