Join our #STEPITUP campaign.

We’re a third of the way towards our R30 000 target – join us!

We all face challenges, and there are so many problems in the world today that can make us feel overwhelmed.

Clubfoot is a problem that has a solution. It is overwhelming for parents at first, but with early skilled care, these children are assured of a completely normal life without disability.

Our ‘Steptember’ campaign was created for two reasons:
To create awareness about clubfoot, and
To raise funds to support more children’s treatment.

In the past three weeks, I have taken many steps with my family and friends to meet my personal target of 150,000 steps in 30 days. Sometimes I haven’t felt like doing it, or the wind was blowing and the skies overcast. But I realised that the wonderful thing about walking for a cause has been the feel-good factor. When I’m out doing my steps, I know I’m taking steps to change the lives of more kids.  What a motivation.

I encourage you to take daily steps that have a purpose. While walking, take time to think of those babies born with feet that are rigid and turned in at the ankle. As our ambassador Cameron van der Burgh said, “They are prisoners in their own bodies.”

With our support they can walk, run and play like friends, without pain or stiffness.

Every donation makes a difference. Donate to our ‘Steptember’ campaign and you will be part of the solution to change 12 lives – we are already a third of the way towards our R30 000 target!

Warmest regards and thanks

Karen Moss
Executive Director, Steps