Plaster of Paris casts can be removed after soaking.
You can either pre-soak at home, or in a basin at the clinic. Sometimes you will remove the cast at home. This will depend on what facilities the clinic has available, and what they tell you to do at your casting appointment. Either way, it is recommended to remove the cast only on the morning of the clinic.
1. Pre-soaking casts
– You should start this about an hour before you want to remove the cast.
– Soak a dishcloth or small towel in water – if you are removing casts from both llegs, soak two cloths.
– Wet the cast thoroughly with warm water to start the softening. You can add a little vinegar to this water, and rub the cast to make sure that it is wet enough.
– When the cast is very damp, take the soaked cloth out of the water, don’t squeeze any water out, and wrap it around the cast, making sure it is firmly secured.
– Then wrap each leg and cast covered with the towel in cling wrap or put the leg in a plastic bag (similar size to a bread bag).
removing cast steps clubfoot care
2. Soaking at the clinic
– Fill a basin with warm water, put your baby in the basin, so the legs are completely covered and soak for about 10 minutes.
– Keep squeezing the casts to allow water to penetrate and soften the casts.
– This will go faster if you have pre-soaked at home.
3. Removing the cast
– You should find a little knob of plaster at the end of each plaster bandage to show you where to start unwinding.
– If you can’t find the knob, just rub and pull the bandage and it will start to peel away. If necessary, as you wind the layers off, and the plaster below is still hard, soak in water again for a few minutes.
– Now you can gently wash your baby’s skin with mild soap and dry well before the next cast is applied.