In 2016 STEPS has launched a new clubfoot awareness campaign, called “Laces for Braces”, which was announced on World Clubfoot Day, 3 June.
We’ve called on schools, businesses, sport teams and all Ponseti kids to take part and wear a pair of bright laces to show their support of World Clubfoot Day.
Karen Moss, founder of STEPS, was interviewed on three radio shows on World Clubfoot Day and the awareness raised has already been amazing. Thanks to sales and campaign donations four children born with clubfoot will have treatment support from birth to four years old.
Let’s keep the momentum going and have people talking about clubfoot and that it can be treated! Order your laces and become a clubfoot champion. Sell our ‘Laces for Braces’ to your friends, sports mates and colleagues. Be an agent for change in the lives of children born with clubfoot!
Order laces from or call us at +27 (0) 21 462 7357, we’d love to hear from you!
You can listen to the 702 interview and KFM interview below. Additionally you can listen to the Cape Talk interview or watch the Carte Blanche update by following the links.
If you’d like to make your own donation, you can do so here.