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The Ponseti Method isn’t just effective; it’s a game-changer, especially in low-resource settings.
Ponseti information for Health Professionals

Clubfoot: Ponseti Management
This 32 page, four-colour book provides information on all aspects of Ponseti management of clubfoot. It was designed for health care professionals, trainees and families to provide information about this technique. The book was authored by Dr Ponseti, his Iowa colleagues and others, who have mastered this casting technique. We recommend that Dr Ponseti’s technique be learned in a course using this book as a reference.
- Authors: Foreword by Ignacio Ponseti
- Contributors: Ignacio Ponseti, Shafique Pirani, Fred Dietz, Jose Morcuende, Vincent Mosca, John Herzenberg, Stuart Weinstein, Norgrove Penny, Michiel Steenbeek
- Editor: Lynn Staheli
This is the second edition of this book, with some translations already in the third edition. The first edition was published in November 2003 and translated into four languages. 10 000 copies were printed and distributed in over 50 countries. In this second edition, we have shortened some sections while adding others to make the book more complete and up-to-date.

Treatment of Congenital Clubfoot using the Ponseti Method
This manual provides a “Congenital Clubfoot assessment and treatment record” and also contains “Information for parents” to help the parents understand their child’s condition, the treatment, and their very important role and responsibility in the treatment. I added a“Doctor’s check up sheet” and a “Parent’s instruction sheet”. These four appendices are designed for making copies for the use of every child’s treatment.
- Authors: Foreword by Iris Logan
- Contributors: Ignacio v. Ponseti, Lynn Staheli, Shafique Pirani, Norgrove Penny, Werner Platzer Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag, Georg Thieme Verlag, I.A. Kapandji. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Miroslav Zhivkov, Naomi Davis, Marc Sinclair, Matthew B.Dobbs, Jose A. Morcuende, Barbara Zukunft-Huber, Elsevier Johannes W.Rohen.
- Editor: Iris Lohan
Additional Resources

Steenbeek Brace For Clubfoot
Michiel Steenbeek & Okello Charles David
Spanish translation by Mario F. Sequeira Somoza & Mario F. Sequeira Valadez 40 pages, 8.5″ x 11″, Four-Color, English, French, & Spanish 2009.
Available exclusively in PDF format.
ISBN-13 #978-1-60189-066-5

Steenbeek Brace For Clubfoot [Type II Brace Patterns]
Michiel Steenbeek & Okello Charles David
Spanish translation by Mario F. Sequeira Somoza & Mario F. Sequeira Valadez 40 pages, 8.5″ x 11″, Four-Color, English, French, & Spanish 2009.
Available exclusively in PDF format.
ISBN-13 #978-1-60189-066-5