Fundraising for children with clubfoot featured in the Knysna-Plett Herald

It is always wonderful to hear about clubfoot fundraising. And what better way to do it than a 544km Expedition Africa adventure race? You can still donate via the link below.
STEPS follow-up with Wamaanda from Limpopo

STEPS, with the assistance of Jacaranda FM’s Good Morning Angel Fund, has been privileged to be part of the treatment of a very special boy. Last year, we were contacted by a family who had seen a story about our founder on the ‘Against All Odds’ eNCA channel. They sent photos of their nine-month-old son […]
STEPS Success Story – Washington Chimalaro

Washington Chimalaro is a lively, 18 month old boy who first came to see us at the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital in October 2014. His Malawian born parents were sad and shocked when they realised their son was born with clubfoot. His father, Steve jumped into action and did some research online on clubfoot and […]
Green Valley Shopping Centre and Manelis family donate to STEPS for clubfoot treatment

Green Valley Shopping Centre recently donated R3000 to STEPS to further the work we do in treating children born with clubfoot in Southern Africa. The centre hosted a Haunted House for Halloween, which included trick or treating throughout the centre. The entrance to the event was free but there were donation buckets where people could […]
#StepUp4STEPS: The story of the stories

Author Brené Brown once said: “When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write a brave new ending.” The clubfoot story is a story of hope, inspiration and determination. The happy ending is the gift of mobility. That is what STEPS wanted to highlight in our birthday […]
#StepUp4STEPS: How YOU can get involved

So you’ve heard about #StepUp4STEPS and you want to get involved? That’s great news! Here’s how you can get involved: We want to hear your clubfoot story – a story that will inspire and give hope to other families. By helping STEPS to raise awareness and funds, you can help a child walk – or […]
Coming up in July: STEPS’ 10th birthday and Mandela Day

STEPS started its journey when Karen (the founder of STEPS in South Africa) gave birth to her son Alex. Alex was born with clubfoot. It has been 10 years in July since Karen Moss founded STEPS, to educate, inform and raise awareness about clubfoot, to provide support to families and to work with clinics providing […]
Nedbank Procurement Charity Golf Day

Yogan’s little girl, Bronwyn, was born with clubfoot, and when she was only a few weeks old, he phoned STEPS to tell us that he wanted to raise money for children born with clubfoot in under-resourced areas of South Africa. 29 May was the first Nedbank Procurement Charity Golf Day for STEPS and Yogan’s team raised […]