Angawakho’s Clubfoot success story

Angawakho’s journey has been easier than I first expected! Two-month old Angawakho was born in Kwa-Zulu Natal with bilateral clubfoot. Luckily, he was diagnosed early and he started as a patient at the Grey’s Hospital clubfoot clinic, which is supported by Steps clubfoot care. Angawakho and his mom Khumalo travel for 20 minutes each way […]
Jemima Belle’s successful clubfoot treatment

My husband, Richard, and I were told at the 22-week scan that our daughter, Jemima Belle, had bilateral clubfeet. I was deeply shocked and totally devastated. I really did not know what it meant and my first thought was that we might have to terminate the pregnancy. The sonographer reassured us that it was probably […]
Nelson and Blessing’s story

Flore shares her story of having two boys born with clubfoot Blessing Woifo is a happy and outgoing boy who is starting to stand and will soon be walking. Blessing’s mom Flore said she only found out when he was born that he had clubfoot, but it was not her first experience with clubfoot. Flore […]
Lister’s Clubfoot success story

Trust the process Six-month old Lister was born with bilateral clubfoot. Lister is a patient at the Tygerberg Clubfoot clinic, which is supported by Steps clubfoot care. It takes Lister and her mom, Sedi Maseruka, two hours of travel each way to reach the experts at the Tygerberg Hospital clubfoot clinic for treatment. Sedi is […]
Steps supporter raises funds for 2 000 clubfoot braces by running 777 World Marathon

The dedication and tenacity of our clubfoot champions often blows us away. Dr Debra Carneol, a Steps supporter and dentist from Iowa, USA, completed the grueling 777 World Marathon and, in doing so, raised enough funds to donate 2 000 clubfoot braces from Clubfoot Solutions to support the Steps clubfoot clinic programme in eight provinces. […]
Run in ‘the world’s most beautiful marathon’ so more children can walk

It’s ‘The World’s Most Beautiful Marathon’, and this year for the very first time you can run it so more kids born with clubfoot can walk! Introducing the 2018 OMTOM Steps Clubfoot Care Team. This year, for the very first time, you can run in the Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon to support the treatment […]
Amazing results in clubfoot treatment for young Riwan

When Melissa Deysel went for her 12-week ultrasound during her pregnancy, she saw that her baby, Riwan, might have clubfoot. During her 20-week ultrasound, the diagnosis was confirmed. As she found out more about clubfoot, her reaction was one of relief. “We were just happy that the reason for the clubfeet was genetic and not […]
Eight more children will walk, run, and play thanks to ‘Steptember’’s Steppers

The support for our first ever “Steptember” campaign has been amazing. We have walked with an Olympic gold medalist, met our targeted steps, and have more people talking about clubfoot. Even better, thanks to your generosity, we have already raised enough to support eight more children through treatment! Eight more children will walk, run and play […]