Join our #STEPITUP campaign.

Our Impact

Together, let’s forge a world where clubfoot never defines a child’s future.

The Problem

Clubfoot is the most common congenital deformity, affecting about 1 in every 500 children in South Africa, which causes one or both feet to turn inward and point downward, so the foot is rigid and the top of the foot is where the bottom should be. Untreated clubfoot is a disability and affected children can’t walk normally, wear shoes or go to school. Often, they are teased and shunned which creates a devastating cycle of pain and stigma where in some cases families hide their children from their communities from the huge sense of shame and guilt. Lack of information and support results in lifelong disability and the cycle of poverty remains firmly entrenched.

Our Solution and Impact

Our solution is to promote the Ponseti Method of treatment which is over 95% effective. Since STEPS started, thousands of children can walk without pain or disability from clubfoot.

We measure our impact through key indicators collected from partner clinics and patient success stories.

We have tailored our solution to suit local conditions with a patient-centred programme that is cost-effective, sustainable and has measurable impact:


Read our latest impact report

Previous impact reports


Download our 2021 Annual Impact Report to read more about our work.


Download our 2020 Annual Impact Report to read more about our work.