No child with clubfoot left untreated
Our mission is to offer every child born with clubfoot the brightest future imaginable. We’re not merely treating a medical condition; we’re unlocking doors to a life brimming with potential.
It all started in 2003 with the birth of a boy with clubfoot in South Africa. After her son’s successful treatment by Dr Ponseti in Iowa, Karen Mara Moss returned home and told the story to local doctors. Karen founded STEPS in 2005 to introduce and promote the Ponseti Method of clubfoot treatment in southern Africa and support families going through treatment.

The first STEPS Ponseti training was held in Johannesburg in 2006 to introduce the Ponseti Method to South African Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeons, and to have consensus that the Ponseti Method is the best treatment for clubfoot. Endorsed by Dr Ignaçio Ponseti and with expert faculty trainers from Brazil, Canada and the UK, the training was a resounding success and drove the change of clubfoot treatment in the region.
The first STEPS Ponseti training was held in Johannesburg in 2006 to introduce the Ponseti Method to South African Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeons, and to have consensus that the Ponseti Method is the best treatment for clubfoot. Endorsed by Dr Ignaçio Ponseti and with expert faculty trainers from Brazil, Canada and the UK, the training was a resounding success and drove the change of clubfoot treatment in the region.
The second STEPS Ponseti workshop in 2007 focused on public health facilities, rural clinics and sustainability. Following this training, the first full Ponseti clubfoot clinics were established by doctors at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital and in other main centres around South Africa. Ugandan orthotists taught local orthopaedic technicians to make the low-cost Steenbeek clubfoot brace.
The Ponseti Method is now part of South African medical school curriculum for doctors. It is the standard of treatment for clubfoot in South Africa, having been officially recommended by South African Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (SAPOS) in 2012 as best practice. STEPS partners with SAPOS on all our training workshops and has held 26 training sessions in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, the Seychelles and virtually for over 1600 health professionals. STEPS Medical Director is a Ponseti faculty trainer.
STEPS organised global clubfoot webinars and also organised and hosted the first global Clubfoot Conference in Africa.
Our award-winning Theory of Change Model has four pillars:
STEPS is a registered NPC, NPO and PBO based in Cape Town, South Africa and works with clubfoot care providers in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Tanzania and the Seychelles.
- NPC: 2005/024391/08
- PBO: 930 048 068
- NPO: 051-217
Celebrating 18 years of impact
Steps Charity NPC endorses the Ponseti Method , advocates preventative and non-invasive alternatives to surgery and promotes the right of every child born with clubfoot to walk without disability by supporting innovative, quality patient care.

- Patient-centered care
- Empowering the patient caregiver
- Increasing access to treatment
- Increasing the number of patients treated
- Standardized clinic excellence

Every child born with clubfoot has access to effective treatment for the best chance of a healthy and productive life

We improve the lives of children born with clubfoot and prevent disability. We partner with a national network of specialist clinics in the South African state health sector to bridge the gap in resources and improve successful outcomes. Our four-pillar model for change provides sustainable support that changes the future of a child born with clubfoot by giving them mobility, and the means to access education and make a living.

Lean management, financial responsibility and working smart to secure the future of clubfoot treatment for posterity.

Trust and Integrity
Open communication with all our donors, partners and stakeholders.

Understanding and prioritising the welfare of our primary beneficiaries – children born with clubfoot.

Keeping and reinvigorating enthusiasm for our cause in the challenging sector of non-profit healthcare.

Staying focused on our core purpose with everything we do, while keeping the clubfoot child in mind.

Relationships are everything we collaborate and share knowledge.

Finding ways to maximise and improve our impact and dispensing with anything that no longer works, to keep us efficient.
As STEPS grew our scope of work in South Africa, we gained recognition as an innovative and sustainable organization. We mentor and support many African clubfoot treatment providers.
STEPS Clubfoot Care is an award-winning model that integrates into the existing health infrastructure. We currently support 38 clubfoot clinic partners in the South African state health sector.
STEPS Ponseti for Parents(c) education materials are used in the ACT (Africa Clubfoot Training) curriculum and have been translated into ten languages.